

The mission of On Deck Teaching is to provide a space for support, resources, ideas, and collaboration for K-12 educators and aid in the recruitment and retention of professionals in the field of education. When teachers are supported and at their best, students benefit.


My work here is dedicated to my grandmothers, Evelyn Hosler (Ma) and Martha Dobbins (Mema). Ma made me believe that if I had a dream, I should make it reality, and Mema persistently told me that I had to publish my writing one day. So, here we are.

What’s in a Name?

Teachers need support, preparation, and focus before stepping in their classrooms. On Deck, a reference to my favorite sports, baseball and softball, is the place on a playing field where a batter stands to get ready for the action of stepping in the box to get a hit. I hope this website is a space you can “step in” to get ready for the action of teaching and find support so that YOU can be a “hit” for your students!

About Me

The sport of softball and the aspiration to coach is what initially drew me to the teaching profession. I learned through my sport that I had an unwavering passion to help, support, and coach others. Education was the perfect fit for me because I believe that teaching is coaching! I grew up watching my mom find joy in her career as a dance instructor and admiring my dad make a difference in the lives of his students as a band director and college music professor. I wanted this joy and ability to make a difference in my life too! I’d found a love for writing in high school and wanted to share that with others so majoring in Secondary Education in English was the perfect fit.

I spent eight years in the classroom teaching all levels of high school English and coaching high school softball. I had the opportunity to serve as a teacher mentor and an assistant athletic director where I learned the importance of supporting adults in my profession. Next, I spent 4 years serving as a high school instructional coach. I truly believe that if the adults who are investing in the students in your building or organization are taken care of and supported, that students will thrive, grow, and greatly benefit. Now I am serving as an Assistant Principal of Instruction where I’ll continue supporting teachers and will now have the opportunity to make a greater impact on all student learning, growth, and achievement. I hope this corner of the internet is a place where you can find some support in one of the most difficult, yet most important jobs in the world!

All my best!