This Year is Tough, but so Are We

This year is tough, but so are we.  I was energized and excited coming into a new school year just as I always am.  For me, the first day of school is kind of like Christmas morning (excitement-level-wise). It is hard to sleep the night before welcoming back teachers and students! There is so much “newness” and hope that comes with the first day of school.  However, I quickly saw that this year was going to bring more challenges than any school year I have experienced before.   It took one of my best friends to point out to me that…

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Three Ways to Foster a Sense of Belonging for Teachers

Everyone wants to feel a sense of belonging.  As instructional leaders and teachers we have the opportunity to create a sense of belonging within our schools for both our teachers and our students.  We all know that relationships matter, but they can make our teaching and learning lives at school SO rich! If you are an instructional leader and you are interested in creating opportunities to foster collaboration and fellowship among the teachers at your school, here are three of my favorite ideas.  If you would like to hear more about any of these topics, please reach out to me…

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Practicing Vulnerability with Memoirs

I’m starting my blog just as I did each year in my classroom, with vulnerability.  While teaching high school English, I began each school year with a memoir unit.  I wanted to build my students’ confidence in writing from the get-go.  In addition, I used this unit as an opportunity to get to know them as individuals.  We tackled the elements of narrative writing, while looking at examples from authors, like Sandra Cisneros, Eudora Welty, and Annie Dillard.  I read them the children’s book, Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge, by Mem Fox to make the point about just how special memories…

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