This Year is Tough, but so Are We

This year is tough, but so are we.  I was energized and excited coming into a new school year just as I always am.  For me, the first day of school is kind of like Christmas morning (excitement-level-wise). It is hard to sleep the night before welcoming back teachers and students! There is so much “newness” and hope that comes with the first day of school.  However, I quickly saw that this year was going to bring more challenges than any school year I have experienced before.  

It took one of my best friends to point out to me that she suspects this year is especially challenging for me because I am a problem solver by nature.  It is true! I believe there is a solution to every problem, no matter what it is.  Oftentimes, I won’t stop thinking about these solutions until I find the right one.   

(Enter the 2021-2022 school year.)

To be frank.  There are a lot of problems, and I do not have the solutions for all of them…yet.  But, I am still trying to find them and I am showing up each day giving my best.  I still have hope for this new school year.  I find it each day in my colleagues and especially in the students we serve.  I know we will face each challenge TOGETHER and we are more prepared for those challenges than we have ever been.  

It is important to note that I believe everyone is doing their best right now.  There is not an easy job in a school system any day and especially not during a pandemic. The challenges we are facing are simply circumstantial, not the fault of any individual or organization. (You may disagree with this belief, but I err on the side of optimism.)  

Here are 10 pearls of wisdom to take with you as you learn to navigate this challenging, yet new and exciting school year:

  • Showing up is important.  
  • Give the best of you – especially to your students.  Your best might be different every day and that is OK.  
  • Lean on your co-workers.  Share ideas of what is working and what is not.  Take every opportunity that you have to connect with them. 
  • PRIORITIZE.  Think Maslow before Bloom. 
  • Know that it will get better and it will get easier. 
  • BE KIND. Everyone is feeling stress in more ways than one. We are all handling these stresses differently.  
  • Work smarter, not harder.  If you are dealing with waves of students coming in and out of your classroom, work with your instructional coach or administrators to come up with a plan that works for you and your students.  
  • Do not let this year burn you out.  You have the most important job in the world and we need you now and in the future.  
  • Ask for help when you need it. 
  • Hold onto the positives.  Hint: you’ll most likely find them in classrooms with students.

Best wishes on this new school year.  We still have the opportunity to make it the best one yet!
