Four Ways for Leaders to Foster Relationships with Teachers

Strong relationships between instructional leaders and teachers are vital for creating a growth-minded, collaborative school environment. When instructional leaders actively engage with teachers, it not only enhances professional growth, but also positively impacts student success. Here you can explore four effective ways for administrators to foster relationships with teachers, enabling a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. Capitalize on Opportunities! As an instructional leader, it is essential to identify and capitalize on opportunities to connect with teachers.  1) Creative Scheduling Maximizing Academic Enrichment Periods: Make the most of available time during the school day, such as an academic enrichment period…

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4 Collaboration Killers and 3 Mindsets to Combat Them!

I firmly believe that we are better together.  Schools can accomplish so much more when educators function as a team instead of a system of individuals.  Though teachers and instructional leaders know the power of collective efficacy, schools often fall short of truly experiencing the power of collaboration.   We cannot assume that collaboration is taking place when people are engaged in the act of meeting. Throughout this school year, I have teamed up with Casey Watts and Aimee Gilbert to discuss collaboration killers as we have worked to implement voluntary collaborative studies as support for the teachers in our schools.…

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Three Ways to Foster a Sense of Belonging for Teachers

Everyone wants to feel a sense of belonging.  As instructional leaders and teachers we have the opportunity to create a sense of belonging within our schools for both our teachers and our students.  We all know that relationships matter, but they can make our teaching and learning lives at school SO rich! If you are an instructional leader and you are interested in creating opportunities to foster collaboration and fellowship among the teachers at your school, here are three of my favorite ideas.  If you would like to hear more about any of these topics, please reach out to me…

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